Heart Healing (Ministry) is not a medical provider. The personnel of Heart Healing are not medical doctors and they are not psychologists or psychiatrists. Heart Healing does not present itself as a licensed counseling service.

The ministers of Heart Healing are not and do not present themselves as medical professionals. Rather, they are laypersons who have a sincere belief in heart healing prayer ministry. Heart Healing makes no guarantees of any particular outcome for anybody taking part in the services that Heart Healing offers. While Heart Healing may discuss medical and/or scientific studies scientific or other writings as part of their ministry services and activities, they are used for informational purposes only. Users of this website or of any of the services Heart Healing offers understand and agree by utilizing these services that Heart Healing is not providing any medical, psychological, psychiatric or formal/licensed counseling services.

The purpose of this ministry is for spiritual growth and healing. It is not and is not intended to be a psychological counseling service. Heart Healing servants are not licensed psychologists or psychiatrists. Rather, they are trained in prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit and using the Word of God. The results of this approach depend on the willingness of the person to make wise choices consistent with the teachings of Jesus.

All personal information gathered during a ministry session is considered confidential and the files are so maintained. However, general information (without any names), as needed, may be shared with other prayer ministers to further the healing process.

Heart Healing will abide by all laws regarding the reporting of threats to others, threats to self, abuse of the elderly, abuse of a child and/or other behavior deemed by Heart Healing to be harmful to others or yourself. Out of care and respect for God’s creation, regardless of local laws, Heart Healing will report any of the above to the proper authorities.

Heart Healing will leverage technology including, but not limited to, Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. Heart Healing is not responsible and not liable for the use of this technology or any issues related to the security and privacy of this technology. None of the participants will record any session unless all participants agree.

Your signature below indicates that you agree with everything above.