God's Will to Heal
Healing Verses (Word document)
With simple, childlike (not complex adult) faith, let the Word speak clearly for itself.
More healing verses along with notes and questions (Word doc)
Is it always God's will to heal someone?
Jesus healed everyone who came to him for healing.
Healing Notes (Word document)
If you pray you won't sin and you sin, was it God's will?
If you pray someone will be saved and it doesn't happen, was it God's will?
If you pray for healing and the person is not healed, was it God's will?
Does God want us to sin? Do we sin? Does God want people to go to hell? Do some? Does God want sick people to stay sick?
Do some? Is it God's fault when undesirable things happen?
Is it easy to live without sinning? Is it easy to lead everbody into a (saving) relationship with Jesus? Is it easy to bring supernatural healing to every sick person?
Should we have low goals that include sin, being OK with people headed to hell, and accepting sickness as part of life?
Or should we have high goals like avoiding sin, praying and acting so none are eternally lost, living and loving like Jesus,
and praying and pursuing healing in every situation we encounter?
What if healing is not just a 100% sovereign act of God but rather typically requires our participation with God just like our living in obedience and holiness?
Healing Observations (Word document)
Three highly recommended books
Why do more miracles sometimes occur
among the poor (in Mozambique)? (Ask Heidi Baker)
In personal pursuit of NO more of this occurrence - "your disciples ... could not heal him." (Matt 17:16)
But rather that "all of them were healed." (Acts 5:16)
The above should be taken in context with all of scripture.
(For example, on this home page, it could be taken into consideration
with the limited number of Bible studies at
"If I believe it's not God's desire to heal everybody then my revelation limits me every time a person comes to me who is sick.
As long as I shun the revelation that God wants everybody to be healed and whole, I have cut myself off from releasing faith in that area."
Bill Johnson